Albania Revani is a kind of very mellow yogurt cake, it has nothing to do with the yogurt cake we know, just have a look at the huge quantity of yogurt in it ! It's a very sweet and smooth oriental cake.
Ingredients : Flour 150g Greek yogurt 600g sugar 400g 2 eggs Zest of one lemon (or a sachet of vanilla powder) baking powder 1 tbsp (level spoon)
Recipe of albanese Revani : Whisk eggs and sugar until white In an other bowl mix the yogurt and the baking powder Add the yogurt to the egg-sugar mix, whisking continously Pour the flour little to little, while beating. Add the lemon zest (or vanilla powder) Pour the mixture in a buttered and floured mould Put in the oven (cold at the beginning) for 60 min at 180°C. When the cake is cooled, return it and sprinkle it with icing sugar Decoration : You can cut into small lozenges, putting an almond in the centre of each diamond. (For the picture I cut into small squares much easier than diamonds haha and put chopped pistachios on the center of each)