Syria Lebanon Azerbaijan Armenia Ouzbekistan Turkey National drink in Turkey, Ayran is a yogurt drink composed of one third fresh yogurt and two thirds salt water. Yogurt may be from cow, sheep or goat milk. Ayran's flavour suits spicy meals, also cool...
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Turkey salgam suyu - Spicy juice of an intermediary vegetable between beet and turnip. Salgam is a particular specie of rutabaga looking like a purple carot.
Salgam suyu (salgam juice) contains also c...
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Albania Bulgaria Serbia Turkey Creamy turkish drink obtained by delaying cereals in water.
Sold in Bozahane shops or by street salesmen, this drink symbolizes conviviality. It's the beverage of winter familial evenings. Boza is kno...
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Iran Turkey Tajikistan Israel Azerbaijan refreshing and natural drink obtained from the freshly squeezed fruit.
Turkey ada çayi, meaning island's tea - Infusion with the thousand virtues : aphrodisiac, relieves painful menstruation, facilitate childbirth, reduce hot flashs of menopause... see
Turkey Drink prepared with flour of orchid's tuber, milk and cinnamon.
This delicious hot drink is traditionally drunk during winter in sandstone cups. The root is rarely used in the current recipes, due to ...
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Turkey kusburnu suyu - Sweet drink traditionally drunk at Gümüshane for which a festival is granted each summer. Very rich in Vitamin C (more than lemon).