Mongolia see Koumis - Served as a popular welcome drink to guests and to those who go for a long travel to "whiten the road". Aïrag is a fermented mare's milk (female horse), sparkling that is drunk since antiquity until now. Thanks to the alcoholic fermentation (0,1 to 3% alcohol) the milk can be preserved for the whole year (as mares are milked only on summer).
Italy Great ingredient of the traditional italian cuisine. Served chilled on summer, it can also be used as an ingredient for other drinks like café glacé or replace milk in most recipies. (Almond milk is also known in Spain and Taïwan).
India Summer drink with mango, milk, crushed almonds, saffron, and rose water. Delicious !
Syria Lebanon Azerbaijan Armenia Ouzbekistan Turkey National drink in Turkey, Ayran is a yogurt drink composed of one third fresh yogurt and two thirds salt water. Yogurt may be from cow, sheep or goat milk. Ayran's flavour suits spicy meals, also cool...
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Taiwan Created on 1980 this drink became so popular that it is now almost considered in Taïwan as the national drink ! Bubble tea is a mix of green tea or black tea with fruit tastes. It's often drunk in lar...
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Japan Popular drink in Japan. Calpis is essentialy composed of water, milk powder and lactic ferments.
Its slightly sour and lactic taste reminds of the taste of a sweet yogurt diluted in water. This (very ...
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Kazakhstan Kirghizistan Drink made with qatiq (fermented milk), salt, and sparkling water.
Kazakhstan Drink made with fermented camel milk. It's a traditional kazakh's drink. Turkmens have a similar beverage.
Chal is fatter than koumis (fermented mare's milk). This product is rarely exported because o...
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Mexico see atole - Champurrado is a milky traditional mexican drink composed of milk, chocolate, water, hominy pasta, panela (see agua de panela, Colombia) and sometimes of cinnamon, anise or v...
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Iran Afghanistan Armenia Azerbaijan Tajikistan Syria Iraq Dawghe in aramean, Tahn in armenian - Dough or doogh is a popular drink made with yogurt, (sometimes sparkling) water, salt, pepper, and seasoned with dried mint. Doogh is the national drink of Iran and Armenia.
Austria Black coffee with vanilla ice-cream and whipped cream, served in a large glass with a straw. Delicious in the heat of summer.
Spain Nigeria Popular sweet drink of Valencia area, refreshing and nutritive.
It's a vegetal milk of earth almond's tuber. Horchata (also called tiger nut milk) is particularly rich in minerals, vitamins C and E, a...
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Russia Tajikistan Poland Fermented and slightly sparkling drink. There is two sorts of kefir : milky and fruity. Due to the fermentation this drink might be slightly alcoholized (1%).
Milk or fruit kefir is an ancient form o...
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Kazakhstan Kirghizistan Colombia National drink made with fermented mare's milk of Central Asia. This beverage is OK for lactose intolerants. Having a slight alcohol proportion, it has a particular strong smoked taste.
India chaas in Gujarat, ghol in Bangladesh, mattha in north of India, and tak in Maharashtra - Indian popular yogurt-based drink with fermented milk and ice cubes. It's the perfect drink to relieve s...
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Algeria Morocco Tunisia Israel Fresh ideal drink going with couscous. Raw milk is left for one to three days at ambient temperature until its spontaneous coagulation.
Rayeb (fermented curdled milk) is churned with a blender and add...
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Spain Mixture containing milk, sugar, eggs, lemon and cinnamon. Served chilled.
Japan Foamy bitter drink served for the tea ceremony.
Finely ground green-tea powder is rather expensive and has to be sifted before adding water. In modern drinks (as in USA and Japan) it can be mixed to m...
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China fermented-milk drink of north China. Nai lao (or Beijing yogurt) is prepared with sweetened hot milk added with a mix of two types of nuts and raisins and lào tong (a glutinous rice wine). see english.visitbeijing.com.cn
South Korea Woongjin brand.
This drink is essentially made with water, rice and brown rice extracts. Contains also fructose (corn syrup) and vitamin C and brings 90 Kcal for 100ml. Rice milk has a strong smell of...
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Malta Mix of almonds, vanilla and sometimes cloves. It's a kind of "latte di mandorla" (almond milk drunk in Italy). Drink it chilled.
Ukraine traditional ukrainian fermented milk. This nutritive drink is rich in vitamins, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and probiotic bacteria. Traditionaly kept in clay pots.
Turkey Drink prepared with flour of orchid's tuber, milk and cinnamon.
This delicious hot drink is traditionally drunk during winter in sandstone cups. The root is rarely used in the current recipes, due to ...
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Vietnam Sinh to is a mix of fruits juices with or without milk. A kind of smoothie or vietnamian milk-shake.
Ukraine Russia Simmeler, Varenets - fermented milk product that is popular in Russia and Ukraine. Similar to Ryazhenka, it is made by adding sour cream to baked milk. (wikipedia)
Argentina hot chocolate delicious fast and easy = hot milk + long chocolate bar to melt in. Sometimes the chocolate bar has a submarine form. Submarino is the most popular winter drink in Argentina.
Armenia Popular yogurt-based drink, Tahn is the national drink of Armenia. See also dough.
India Spicy drink with pistachios and almonds, drunk during the spring equinoxe for the colors celebration (Holi).
This mild drink made with creamy milk is flavoured with nuts, honey and a spice mix : carda...
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