Colombia energy-drink full of antioxydants. Açaí palm is an amazonian plant cultivated in Brazil. Global demand for the fruit has expanded rapidly in recent years, and açaí is now cultivated for that purpose primarily.
Colombia Thanks to the overpowering heat, juices are drunk all day long, and also with meals.
Colombians prepare them either with a blender (and the mixture is then passed to the strainer like mango juice), or...
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Kazakhstan Kirghizistan Colombia National drink made with fermented mare's milk of Central Asia. This beverage is OK for lactose intolerants. Having a slight alcohol proportion, it has a particular strong smoked taste.
Colombia Highly calorific and surprisingly refreshing drink.
To prepare this drink you just have to dissolve panela sticks in water. The beverage can be made hot with milk, or cold with water, lemon or lime. P...
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