Algeria Traditional drink of Alger given to the bride during her nuptial hammam ritual. The Mazhar sherbet is composed of water of orange blossom, water, cinnamon and sugar.
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Algeria Traditional drink from Miliana city containing cherry juice, lemon and grape juices, water and sugar. (wikipedia)
Algeria also called sherbet of Boufarik (see limonana Israel). This drink is composed of fresh lemon juice and fresh mint.
Algeria Morocco Tunisia Israel Fresh ideal drink going with couscous. Raw milk is left for one to three days at ambient temperature until its spontaneous coagulation.
Rayeb (fermented curdled milk) is churned with a blender and add...
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Algeria Tunisia Syrupy juice extracted from the trunk sap of the Sahara palm tree. This drink is usually sold by street salesmen of the south tunisian markets and in Algeria.
Algeria Remedy drink, Maâjoun el heroor is a traditional spicy syrup made with an algerian spices mix called hror : pepper, clove, nutmeg, ginger, cardamon, cinnamon, cubeb (Piper cubeba). Attention it's hot !
Algeria Medicinal refreshing drink made with dates and 40 other plants during the Ramadan month. Ingredients comprise camomile, herb-of-grace (common rue), ginger, clove, black pepper, coriander seeds, liquor...
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Algeria Spicy fresh drink of the M'zab valley served to the groom on his wedding day. This drink is prepared with dates, lemon, flower, spices (saffron, nutmeg) and aromatic herbs.