Antilles How to dance Gwo ka Gwo ka combines song, rhythms and dance. It's danced during popular gatherings like carnival, festivals and lewos – popular parties taking place on friday and saturday nights in Guadeloupe and Martinique. Competitors and the crowd form a circle in which dancers and the solist enter in turn, facing the drums. Spectators slap hands and sing the solist's refrain. There are seven rhythms of Gwoka, having each sub-variants.
toumblak is a love and fertility dance with suggestive postures, graj dance of work that evokes cassava manufacturing, mendé a carnival dance, woulé sort of valse piquée, padjanbel work dance of slaves in plantations, kaladja sadness dance, lewoz incantation dance. Each year, in Guadeloupe, the Gwo ka Festival is celebrated in July at Sainte-Anne. Gwo ka (music, dance and vocals) is registered as immaterial cultural patrimony of Humanity since 2014. see www.youtube.com