Clamato (juce) © drpeppersnapplegroup.com
Fruits juice containing reconstituted tomato juice, clam stock and spices. Essentially found in Mexico, Canada and in the States. The first product on the market, called Tomatoto, was made with tomato juice, vinegar and anchovy.
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Carrot Cake © bbcgoodfood.com
One of my favourite winter desserts, the harder is to grate carots ! Ingredients : 200g flour 250g grated carots 125g butter 125g sugar 2 eggs 60g nuts 1/2 sachet of yeast + 1 pinch of baking soda 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder Recipe of Carrot Cake : Preheat the oven at 180°C (Th 6) and butter the mould, Shake eggs + sugar with a whip till you obtain a foamy mix, Add the flour little by little + melted butter. Incorporate the yeast + baking soda with ... read next
*** Waldorf Salad © journalmetro.com
This recipe is so called because it was first presented at Manhattan's Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Ingredients : Celery 3 branchs 2 diced apples 1 orange nuts 80 g fresh cream 10 cl lemon juice 2 tbsp suggar 1 tbsp mustard 1 tbsp paprika, pepper, salt Recipe of Waldorf salad : Delay in a bowl mustard with lemon juice and add fresh cream + salt, pepper, paprika, suggar, and the zest of the orange. Whisk with a fork to obtain a thin cream consistance. Ad ... read next
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*** Fruit-roll, Lavashak © chichichoc.blogspot.com
Fruit-roll is a clever snack for children and adults. It is also a form of fruits storage during the cold season. In the persian cuisine fruits and vegetables are cooked together, fruit-roll (Lavashak) is often used as a kind of sauce. The recipe I describe here is the persian version using no suggar at all and is sour (whereas the american one si sweet). I must say the more delicious fruit-roll I ever ate is the south-african one, with exotic fruits (guava, mango, etc) !
Ingredients : ... read next
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Lindy-Hop © co.uk
How to dance Lindy-Hop Lindy-Hop is a couple dance of early XXth century , which combines african rhythms and 6 or 8 count structured movements of european dances. Lindy-Hop can be danced on fast or slow musics as well. There was a revival after the 80's of this forgotten dance with movies and television commercials (for GAP), music videos like Marylin Manson's Mobscene 2002 Today Lindy-Hop is danced as a social dance, or as a performance dance, in classes, workshops, etc. It evolves ... read next
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*** Madison © meetupstatic.com
How to dance Madison Line dance of the 60's, Madison is learned easily and without a partner. This dance continues to be performed in retro parties and wedding banquets, with four series of four steps on a 4/4 rhythm (slow to medium). Dancers make a quarter-turn to the right and start again the same sequence. The 16 steps forming a unit are tirelessly repeated. The dance is finished when the dancers are dead ! Movies : West-side story, Hairspray 2007 Musics to dance madison : Last ... read next
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