Dardoura © smoothie.tn
Fresh and nutritive, this is the ideal drink after the fasting at Ramadan. Dardoura is composed of Bsissa powder mixed with water and sugar. Bsissa is a fragrant flour spicy and caloric, the perfect traditional maghrebin food. Bsissa is very popular at jewish people of the tunisian south also.
*** Legmi © gastrolabe.com
Syrupy juice extracted from the trunk sap of the Sahara palm tree. This drink is usually sold by street salesmen of the south tunisian markets and in Algeria.
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*** Leben © unblog.fr
Fresh ideal drink going with couscous. Raw milk is left for one to three days at ambient temperature until its spontaneous coagulation. Rayeb (fermented curdled milk) is churned with a blender and added with water. After the butter extraction a thick liquid is obtained, called leben (buttermilk). Elben is rich in proteins, and is less fat than plain milk (42Kcal/100g), it can be kept for several days at room temperature.wikipedia
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