Dough or Doogh Dawghe in aramean, Tahn in armenian
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Dough or doogh is a popular drink made with yogurt, (sometimes sparkling) water, salt, pepper, and seasoned with dried mint. Doogh is the national drink of Iran and Armenia. Commercialized also in Azerbaïjan, Afghanistan, Irak, Syria, Turkey, in the Balkans and in other countries of Middle-East and central Asia. (wikipedia). Add cucumber cubes to this drinkable yogurt to obtain a crispy texture.
*** Pomegrenate juice © satoriz.fr
refreshing and natural drink obtained from the freshly squeezed fruit.
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*** Kefir © gigaimg.com
Fermented and slightly sparkling drink. There is two sorts of kefir : milky and fruity. Due to the fermentation this drink might be slightly alcoholized (1%). Milk or fruit kefir is an ancient form of fridgeless preservation of perishable food that was used by nomads until high antiquity. Alive food formed of micro-organisms, kefir is considered as a probiotic and is appreciated for its digestive qualities : cleanse intestines naturally, support transit, reduce flatulence, etc. Russians have a ... read next
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