Horchata © amazonaws.com
Popular sweet drink of Valencia area, refreshing and nutritive. It's a vegetal milk of earth almond's tuber. Horchata (also called tiger nut milk) is particularly rich in minerals, vitamins C and E, and many digestion-facilitating enzymes. Horchata (or orxata) is often served with fartons, a kind of long shaped spongy pastry to dip in. Horchata is a gluten free drink. The artisanal form is sold in horchetarias of Valencia, Barcelona, and especialy Alboraya (the bests !). Tiger nut milk is also d ... read next
*** Limonadas © vitamixespana.com
Drinks made with real lemon juice.
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*** Leche merengada © mamayasecocinar.com
Mixture containing milk, sugar, eggs, lemon and cinnamon. Served chilled.
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Spain - vegetarian recipes |
Vegetarian Paella © DR
Ingredients are only for guidance et can easily be changed according to your taste and to what is present in your fridge ! Here is a tested and approuved proposition ! For this recipe the only thing to avoid is a cast-iron pan (because it keeps heating and continue to cook even out of fire, making the rice sticky). Ingredients : 400g Basmati rice 1 tomato can 1 handfull (cooked) green beans 1 handfull peas 1 handfull cashew nuts 1 stock cube 1 minced red sweet-pe ... read next
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Fandango © sitesetmuseesenpaysbasque.com
How to dance Fadango Spanish and portugese couple dance. Fandango is a love and seduction dance of andalusian origin. Beeing at the same time an urban and a theater dance, Fandango is characterized by a continual rhythm of castanets and a constant tempo increase. Unlike traditional dances, Fadango is danced as a popular entertainment, without wearing a specific costume. Video Fandango of Parana (Brazil) see www.youtube.com and portugese (professional) version with ... read next
*** Paso doble © webnode.com
How to dance Paso doble Paso doble means "double step" because it's a 2 count music - 2/4 rhythm – but figures are often performed on 8 counts. Paso doble is the easiest ballroom dance, created by french choreographs on spanish songs. The basic step is a walkstep that symbolizes bullfighting. The male dancer is the torero and plays with the female dancer who is his muleta (red wrap). The song has breaks in fixed positions, movements are performed staccato, in a proud and dominati ... read next
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*** Jota © blogspot.com
How to dance Jota Spanish couple dance, with men on one side and women on the other, moving to the sound of castanets. The dance has moresque influences with a ternary rhythm 3/4 and 3/8, with fast and hopped moves. Dancers face each other, cross right and left feet (and vice versa) with hands above their head in a castanets gesture. Steps accelerate on the refrain and dancers spin. see www.youtube.com
*** Sardane © les-bons-plans-de-barcelone.com
How to dance Sardane Traditional dance of Catalonia, executed on a close circle, alterning men and women, holding hands. Music is called Cobla. Nowadays Sardane is danced with everyday clothes, at every festive opportunity, or with folkloric costumes for exhibitions (wikipédia). Music is composed of 2 alterning melodies, one for short steps and one for long steps. Each year 200 new works are created at Sardane's competition. Easy choreo see www.youtube.com ... read next
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