Leben © unblog.fr
Fresh ideal drink going with couscous. Raw milk is left for one to three days at ambient temperature until its spontaneous coagulation. Rayeb (fermented curdled milk) is churned with a blender and added with water. After the butter extraction a thick liquid is obtained, called leben (buttermilk). Elben is rich in proteins, and is less fat than plain milk (42Kcal/100g), it can be kept for several days at room temperature.wikipedia
*** Pomegrenate juice © satoriz.fr
refreshing and natural drink obtained from the freshly squeezed fruit.
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*** Limonana © tastykitchen.com
Lemonade served with mint leaves ('nana') and plundered ice is all the rage at terraces of Tel-Aviv Cafés. (See also Algeria, cherbet of Blida).
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Israel - vegetarian recipes |
Burek or börek © pinimg.com
burek are common in all the area under ottoman influence, they can be filled with spinach or potatoes or cheese (or ground meat). Known as borekass in Israel, giben ica in Serbia or banitsa in Bulgaria... Here we have a recipe of cheese börek Ingredients : turkish cheese or feta 150g grated cheese 100g filo pastry : 6 leaves chopped flat-leaf parsley milk 350 ml + pepper olive oil 2 tbsp Recipe of easy burek : Heat the oven at 210°C Wash and chopp the parsley ... read next
*** Stuffed vineleaves, Dolmeh barg, Dolma,Sarma © marmiton.org
This (important) recipe is known in so many countries... Ingredients : a jar of vineleaves, (2 leaves for each dolmeh) basmati rice 3 cups dried dill 3 tbsp currants (soaked in a cup of water) 1 handful of pine nuts 1 handful juice of 2 lemons dash of olive oil, salt Recipe of stuffed vineleaves : Wash and cook the rice with dried dill, a pinch of salt and a table spoon of oil. When the water is almost evaporated, stir gently to divide up uniforml ... read next
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*** Eggplant Caviar © DR
A must for aperitif either on tucs or just set in a bowl. Ingredients : 1 big eggplant lemon juice (1/2 cup) 1 onion garlic powder cumin powder ginger powder salt Recipe of eggplant Caviar : Peel the eggplant, cut it into big dices and make it steam-cook for 20 min. Mix the result (in a mixer) with the lemon juice and garlic powder. Cut the onion and brown it in some oil, Pour it on the mashed mixture and add salt and spices. Mix again, put in ... read next
*** cheese Pirojki or pirozhki or piroshki © moscou.voyage
Ingredients : flaky pastry 300 g fiscela cottage cheese 200 g softened butter 50 g liquid cream 1/2 cup 2 eggs salt, pepper Recipe of cheese Pirojki : Pre-heat the oven 200 C (Th 7) Drain the cottage cheese and mix with a spoon to the liquid cream, softened butter, salt, pepper + one entire egg and just the white of the 2nd. Keep the 2nd yellow for later... Work the mixture and let it rest for a quarter. Meanwhile, unroll the flaky pastry and c ... read next
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Hora © ytimg.com
How to dance Hora Traditional Dance of Romania, Moldavia, Israel practiced in weddings and popular festivities. Dancers hold hands and form a big open circle that turns in the direction of the needles of a watch. There is more than 600 dances repertoried in Israel. In 1948, this new land looking for a cultural identity named the Balkan's Hora as the official folkloric dance of Israel. exemple Hora Chatuna see www.youtube.com Hora danced on Hava nagila ... read next
*** Podaraki © ytimg.com
How to dance Podaraki Folk dance of the Romilia area, Greece. Podaraki means little foot in greek because of the feet strikes. Mixt open-circle, convivial and trans-generational, this dance can be performed as well by children than by grand-fathers. children choreo see www.youtube.com
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*** Israeli Dances © sudouest.fr
How to dance Israeli dances FREYLEKHS also called "hopke"(jump), is a jewish circle dance, joyfull and full of spirituality, whose steps are very different from a shtetl to another, keeping free for improvisation (Nathan Vizonsky). Any dancer can constantly carry out spectacular, comic or impromptu exhibitions ( shaynen) and the leader can initiate collective figures like "the snake" (oyfvikln zikh), "grand walk" or "the passage of the needle" (nodl un fodn). www. ... read next
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