Dough or Doogh Dawghe in aramean, Tahn in armenian
 © shopify.com
Dough or doogh is a popular drink made with yogurt, (sometimes sparkling) water, salt, pepper, and seasoned with dried mint. Doogh is the national drink of Iran and Armenia. Commercialized also in Azerbaïjan, Afghanistan, Irak, Syria, Turkey, in the Balkans and in other countries of Middle-East and central Asia. (wikipedia). Add cucumber cubes to this drinkable yogurt to obtain a crispy texture.
*** Sharbat sekanjebin © storyofakitchen.com
syrup made with water, vinegar syrup, mint leaves and grated cucumber. This syrup old of several centuries is accompanied by salad leaves for maximum freshness.
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*** Pomegrenate juice © satoriz.fr
refreshing and natural drink obtained from the freshly squeezed fruit.
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Iran - vegetarian recipes |
Stuffed vineleaves, Dolmeh barg, Dolma,Sarma © marmiton.org
This (important) recipe is known in so many countries... Ingredients : a jar of vineleaves, (2 leaves for each dolmeh) basmati rice 3 cups dried dill 3 tbsp currants (soaked in a cup of water) 1 handful of pine nuts 1 handful juice of 2 lemons dash of olive oil, salt Recipe of stuffed vineleaves : Wash and cook the rice with dried dill, a pinch of salt and a table spoon of oil. When the water is almost evaporated, stir gently to divide up uniforml ... read next
*** Fruit-roll, Lavashak © chichichoc.blogspot.com
Fruit-roll is a clever snack for children and adults. It is also a form of fruits storage during the cold season. In the persian cuisine fruits and vegetables are cooked together, fruit-roll (Lavashak) is often used as a kind of sauce. The recipe I describe here is the persian version using no suggar at all and is sour (whereas the american one si sweet). I must say the more delicious fruit-roll I ever ate is the south-african one, with exotic fruits (guava, mango, etc) !
Ingredients : ... read next
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*** Koukou Sabzi © nutriholist.com
kind of fresh herbs omelette video see www.youtube.com (or kookoo) is served warm or cold as a trimming for a salad, or just with bread and yogurt. Kookoo is a simple recipe that can be varied, replacing sabzi (fresh herbs) by potatoes, or carrots, or zucchini, etc and you will make potatoe kookoo or zucchini kookoo...
*** Mirza Ghassemi © aashpazi.com
Easy persian recipe, to serve with fresh herbs and bread, ideal for a buffet. Ingredients : 4 small eggplants 4 medium mature tomatoes 4 eggs 4 garlic cloves curcuma, salt, black pepper, olive oil Recipe of mirza Ghassemi : steamcook the eggplant slices, let cool. Fry the garlic cloves in the oil, add curcuma and the eggplants in the stove. Smash with the wooden spoon. Cut the tomatoes into 4 and cook with. After the tomatoes are cooked, crack the eggs d ... read next
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Bandari © iranian.com
How to dance Bandari It's a dance of south Iran (persic golf). Dancers stand on a circle without holding hands, sometimes encouraging one of them to go to the center for a solo. The "port" dance (bandar) borrows elements to african and arabian dances like fast and jerked shoulder moves, head moves with hair throws, hip circles. The step is trivial but arms and hands movements are important. When hands are not joined, it allows greater improvisation and also the possibility to dance with o ... read next
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*** Kurdish © wikimedia.org
How to dance kurdish Kurdish dance is a group mixt dance similar to those of the Balkans. Often danced on an open circle, holding hands, on births, weddings, Newrouz (new year) and other ceremonies. This dance moves from left to right. The last dancer of the right holds a colored handkerchief in his right hand. His role is to give the tempo and supervise the group's coherence. Movie : the Legend of love from Farhad Mehranfar 2000. see www.youtube.com ... read next
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