Açaí (berry) © lhotellerie-restauration.fr
energy-drink full of antioxydants. Açaí palm is an amazonian plant cultivated in Brazil. Global demand for the fruit has expanded rapidly in recent years, and açaí is now cultivated for that purpose primarily. In May 2009, Bloomberg reported that the expanding popularity of açaí in the United States was "depriving Brazilian jungle dwellers of a protein-rich nutrient they’ve relied on for generations."Although most açaí is grown conventionally, the US company Sambazon established USDA Organic cer ... read next
*** Koumis © active-long-life.ru
National drink made with fermented mare's milk of Central Asia. This beverage is OK for lactose intolerants. Having a slight alcohol proportion, it has a particular strong smoked taste. This beverage can be preserved until two weeks, its taste becoming then much stronger. Koumis is produced in Turkestan and on kirghize plates and plains with the milk of mares elevated by nomads. Traditionaly the host offers a bowl of Koumis to his guests. If you refuse this you would offend your host ! The mare' ... read next
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*** Fruits (juice) © colombiainfinita.com
Thanks to the overpowering heat, juices are drunk all day long, and also with meals. Colombians prepare them either with a blender (and the mixture is then passed to the strainer like mango juice), or by boiling fruits in water and collecting then the water of this infusion (like Corozo juice). Here are some exotic fruits colombians appreciate : sweet granadilla, naranguille (or lulo), soursop, tamarind, and also passionfruit, guava, watermelon, strawberry, ananas, etc ... read next
*** Panela (agua de) © viajala.com
Highly calorific and surprisingly refreshing drink. To prepare this drink you just have to dissolve panela sticks in water. The beverage can be made hot with milk, or cold with water, lemon or lime. Panela, available in exotic food groceries, is mass-produced : the cane sugar juice is cooked at high temperature to form a rather dense molasses which is then poured into pans where it hardens to form the panela. Unlike white sugar (which is essentially saccharose), brown sugar (like panela) ... read next
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Colombia - vegetarian recipes |
Frijoles rojas © edge-generalmills.com
Perfect winter convivial meal, served with basmati rice. Some connoysseurs say black beans are even much better than reds to succeed making this recipe. Beans must be soaked one night before, then cooked in 2 or 3 different waters to become digestible and avoid heaviness. Ingredients : red (or black) beans 500g 1 big tomato 1 big onion 1 tsp turmeric 1 tsp red chili (powder or liquid) 2 tsp ginger powder garlic powder (or real garlic), salt 2 bay-tree lea ... read next
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Rueda de Casino © ritmoslatinos.org
How to dance Rueda de casino Several couples dance Salsa on a circle and a leader announce a pass or a partner change. A variant is danced on Bachata, "Rueda de Bachata" created in 2003 in Boston.
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*** Salsa © dailysimply.com
How to dance Salsa Latin couple dance, but can also be performed as a line dance, puerto rican Salsa, or Salsa suelta. The cuban style or Casino is practiced with motion saving and can be executed even in crowded places. It's a popular street dance. See also Rueda de Casino (with a leader). It's a 4 count dance. The basic step is on 8 counts with 2 pause-counts without motion, so : 123 pause 567 pause. Steps can be forwards/backwards (mambo steps) or on sides (rumba s ... read next
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