Corossol (nectar of) © lamaisondesantilles.com
Naturally rich in fibers, minerals and vitamins, the Corossol plant has many healing properties. Due to its sweet flavour it can be drunk with no sugar added.
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Antilles - vegetarian recipes |
Flan Coco © journaldesfemmes.com
To prepare ideally the day before. Ingredients : 4 eggs milk 80 cl maïzena 40g sugar powder 140g rasped coconut 250g Recipe of flan Coco of Antilles : Preheat the oven Th 5-6 (160°C) Heat the milk in a pan till quivering. Whip eggs + sugar + maizena in a mixing bowl till it's whitened. Incorporate hot milk progressively, and add coconut, whipping continuously. Pour in a mould and let heat in the oven for 35 min. Let cool before puting in the fridge. ... read next
*** Sauce ChienDog Sauce
 © pinimg.com
This (dog) sauce can be conserved 4 to 5 days in a fridge in a closed container. It's also possible to pour it in an ice-cube tray and defreeze as and when required. Traditionaly used for grills, it can also be served with rice for vegetarians or vegans. Ingredients : 3 Welsh onion and 1 onion 2 garlic cloves 2 tomatoes juice of one lemon parsley 1 handfull 1/4 chili 15 cl oil boiling water 1 cup salt, pepper, Recipe of Sauce chien : Chopp finely the ... read next
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 © DR
*** Gratin of sweet potatoes © pinimg.com
it's a perfect winter nutritious and spicy dish. Ingredients : Sweet Potatoes 800g liquid cream 40cl coco milk 10cl grated cheese 40g garlic and ginger powders salt, pepper butter (for the mould) Recipe of sweet potatoes gratin : Preheat the oven at Th 5-6 (180°C) Peel sweet potatoes, wash and cut them into slices. Pour coconut milk, concentrated mik and the cream in a small saucepan and heat gently. Butter the gratin plate, put in it the sweet pota ... read next
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Biguine (street) © lebleulagon.com
How to dance Biguine From the english word begin because this dance is the one opening the bal. Part of Patrimony of the Antilles, it's a festive couple dance derived from european Polka, with alterned feet like walk. French Antilles people are very attached to this heritage. Biguine spectacles are often given during cultural manifestations organized by town halls, schools, or associations. Malavoi music band gave it to the last style with adds of salsa, latin-jazz and cuban music. Mo ... read next
*** Mazurka © caraibean-danc.fr
How to dance Mazurka Rhythmic couple dance coming from Poland. It's a 3 count dance that turns. As many ballroom dances, Mazurka had been retaken in folk dances, (dances from Brittany, the center of France and from the guyanese carnival). Mazurka is also a component of traditional dances of Martinique. Since the basic step mazurka has evolved to figures and variants. The basic step is not difficult but experience shows that acquisition is not immediate. (wikipedia) video www.yout ... read next
*** Zouk © cdscdn.com
How to dance Zouk Launched on the 80's by Kassav group, Zouk mixts traditional antillese music with techno and disco. Zouk is danced tight with a partner on a 4/4 music. Steps are trampled on the spot with an african-type pronounced hip-swing. Zouk is rather close to Merengue but partners stay sticked together during the whole dance. There are various trends : Zouk love, Zouk R'n'B, Ragga-zouk, Lambada-zouk. Zouk machine (Maldon), Frankie Vincent (Le tombeur), la Compagnie Créole, Les ... read next
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*** Gwo ka © ac-guadeloupe.fr
How to dance Gwo ka Gwo ka combines song, rhythms and dance. It's danced during popular gatherings like carnival, festivals and lewos – popular parties taking place on friday and saturday nights in Guadeloupe and Martinique. Competitors and the crowd form a circle in which dancers and the solist enter in turn, facing the drums. Spectators slap hands and sing the solist's refrain. There are seven rhythms of Gwoka, having each sub-variants. toumblak is a love and fertility dance ... read next
*** Quadrille © co.uk
How to dance Quadrille Old dance imported from Europe, but is still danced in French Antilles (Guadeloupe and Martinique). The central character of Quadrille is named Commander. His role is to give instructions for the steps to execute by all (Grande-terre). But there is also a without-comand Quadrille (Basse Terre). Quadrille has several figures having each a different rhythmic basis : Entrée, Valse, Pantalon, Été, Poule, Pastourelle, Biguine. video see www.youtube.com ... read next
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