Cherbet of Blida © servimg.com
also called sherbet of Boufarik (see limonana Israel). This drink is composed of fresh lemon juice and fresh mint.
*** Cherbet Miliana © Bakkal.ae
Traditional drink from Miliana city containing cherry juice, lemon and grape juices, water and sugar. (wikipedia)
*** Legmi © gastrolabe.com
Syrupy juice extracted from the trunk sap of the Sahara palm tree. This drink is usually sold by street salesmen of the south tunisian markets and in Algeria.
*** Ouazouaza © aps.dz
Medicinal refreshing drink made with dates and 40 other plants during the Ramadan month. Ingredients comprise camomile, herb-of-grace (common rue), ginger, clove, black pepper, coriander seeds, liquorice, etc.
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*** Cherbet Mazhar © tanargan.com
Traditional drink of Alger given to the bride during her nuptial hammam ritual. The Mazhar sherbet is composed of water of orange blossom, water, cinnamon and sugar.
*** Leben © unblog.fr
Fresh ideal drink going with couscous. Raw milk is left for one to three days at ambient temperature until its spontaneous coagulation. Rayeb (fermented curdled milk) is churned with a blender and added with water. After the butter extraction a thick liquid is obtained, called leben (buttermilk). Elben is rich in proteins, and is less fat than plain milk (42Kcal/100g), it can be kept for several days at room temperature.wikipedia
*** Maājoun el heroor © xave.org
Remedy drink, Maājoun el heroor is a traditional spicy syrup made with an algerian spices mix called hror : pepper, clove, nutmeg, ginger, cardamon, cinnamon, cubeb (Piper cubeba). Attention it's hot !
*** Takerouayet © comprendrechoisir.com
Spicy fresh drink of the M'zab valley served to the groom on his wedding day. This drink is prepared with dates, lemon, flower, spices (saffron, nutmeg) and aromatic herbs.
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